How To Participate

Showcase Your Industry Leadership

Sponsoring the 2011 San Francisco Hard Assets Investment Conference will put you in direct access with more than 2,000 individuals, professional and institutional investors all eager to find out about your latest find!
As the leading information provider on natural resources investments, the Hard Assets Investment Conference series provides a forum enabling you to position your brand in an authoritative and established environment.

Golden Opportunities for Resource Exploration Companies

Sponsoring San Francisco Hard Assets Investment Conference is more than just picking the best booth location on the showfloor. It’s a wealth of marketing opportunities providing multiple touch points with our audience before, during, and after the conference.
Event Sponsorship Features (includes but not limited to)

  • Your logo, profile and website address promoted before, during and after the conference via the event website, the on-site conference guide, an d other event marketing collateral
  • Booth space on the showfloor
  • Ad in the Official Sponsor Profile Book
  • PR and Media Opportunities before and during the show

Premier Sponsorship Level (includes event sponsorship) plus other opportunities such as:

  • Cocktail Reception sponsor
  • Program sponsor
  • Speaking opportunities (when available)
  • Floorplan sponsor
  • Keynote sponsor
  • sponsor
  • Internet café
  • Lanyards
  • Coffee /Tea Breaks

For full details on the best sponsorship that would meet your marketing objectives, please complete an inquiry form or consult with the San Francisco Hard Assets Investment Conference sales director:

Sponsor/Exhibitor Sales Inquiries:
Fred Noce